It's that time of the year where things are usually hectic for parents with getting their children prepared to go back to school. This year is different. With all the madness in preparing our children to go back to school, we now have something else to add to the list. Instead of focusing on going back to school shopping for new clothes or uniforms, the outrageous school supply list, and sending college students away, we must now add a global pandemic on top of that.
Parents are now concern about even sending their children back to school this year. Some schools may reopen for on-campus learning, continue with remote learning, or incorporate both models into a new hybrid curriculum. With so many different possibilities, it is nearly impossible to know how to prepare. While we may not be able to predict what the future beholds, we can prepare ourselves and our children for any possible outcome by building resilience, by providing support, and by strengthening their confidence.
As the schools began to reopen and some children's anxiety may persist, it is up to us parents to show them ways to cope with returning to school during a pandemic. I believe confidence or encouragement and support are key.
Confidence will allow children to believe in their abilities and strengths. Encouragement goes a long way, so give them praise! For example, I love how you were able to adapt so quickly to the changes last school semester with remote learning, you were awesome! Show support by showing unconditional love (no judgment or negativity). Let children know it is safe to verbalize their fears of the upcoming school year, and it is okay to feel worried and allow them to process their emotions. By doing so, it builds resilience and confidence, letting them know you can overcome anything.
As parents, we must let them know that we can't control how COVID-19 affects the school year, but the decisions we make during this time can keep us safe and happy.
Ultimately, there are no simple ways of preparing for the upcoming school year. The best we can do for children is to help them develop a sense of resiliency to overcome life’s unpredictable challenges. We do that by providing support and encouragement.
As a mom, I'm so proud of how my son is able to adjust to this unthinkable thing. His strength, resilience, and confidence have been an amazing thing to watch. Our children have shown more resilience to COVID-19 than adults. #aspiretoinspire

Great post